Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Putting the Fun in Fundable!

So, I've found a solution to my shipping dilemma. Although I have been very hesitant to ask anyone for money for this endeavor, several people have offered to donate to my cost of shipping in lieu of donating items. So, I have set up a fundraising page at fundable.com in the hopes of raising the cost of shipping many of the heavier items. With only 2 weeks until I leave, and 1 week left until everything has to be shipped, I am determined to make this happen! After sending out emails, I am already 75% of the way towards my $500 goal (in only a few hours, too!) and am extremely grateful for everyone's kindness. I can't wait to post pictures for everyone of the trip!

For anyone who is interested in donating, here is a link to the site:


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